Private 5G?

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Today, Federated Wireless announced that the U.S. Marine Corps have started building a private 5G network. See their release here.

Marine Corps Logistics Base

The article says:

...The deployment will become a reference design for smart
warehouse automation across the armed services...

This is an overly complicated network, to operate functions that could be done with simpler, and significantly cheaper, technologies like WiFi.

While its fun to see the new tools like this coming to life, the practical use of them is quite limited. Cellular technologies are so much more complicated, as you can see there are 7 companies involved in this deployment.

Private cellular networks certainly have a place, especially where range and outdoor operating is an issue. A lot of these exist today with private 4G networks in use-cases like mining.

This however, seems like an expensive way to operate a Roomba. Roomba